Wine, food and culture in Cartoceto

Cartoceto, nested between olive groves and cultivated fields on the hill where it is located, since the eighteenth century is a centre for the production of excellent Dop olive oil (in November it hosts the Oil Festival, the most important trade show in the area). Immersed in this food&wine atmosphere, a tasting of olive oil and local products, such as wine and Formaggio di Fossa “Pitaged cheese”, will brighten your day, while a demonstration will take you through the olive oil making process, with all its history and tradition linked to Cartoceto.

The beauty of Urbino and Gola del Furlo
Travelling across the hills of the Marche region it is possible to reach the State Natural Reserve of Gola del Furlo. A real paradise marked by the Candigliano River that flows between the towering rock walls of the Gola, where the suggestive landscape combines with the prodigious wealth of nature boasting unique specimen of flora and fauna. In addition to the impressive landscape, all to be discovered is also the history of Gola del Furlo with its distinctive features and relevant historical landmarks that range from the ancient Romans to the Second World War. From here, one can proceed towards Urbino, a town that is the pride of Italian Renaissance, and the birthplace of architect Bramante and artist Raffaello. The itinerary includes a visit to Urbino and to Palazzo Ducale, the jewel of Italian Renaissance, which since 1912 is home to the National Gallery of the Marche region. Urbino is also the birthplace of Raffaello and it hosts the Academy of Raffaello, countless churches each of significant importance, as well as the Fortress of Albornoz, which, surrounded by a well-kept garden offers a very beautiful view both of the town and surrounding hills and it is one of the urban prides of Urbino.

-7 night s wit h half boar d in a 3, 4 or 5 st ar hot el on t he be ach.
- Half a da y wine &food t our t o Cart oceto wit h t asting of local pr oducts.
- Visit to Gola del Furlo and Urbino .
Not Included:
• Flights
• Any item that has not been mentioned in the “Included”

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